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Saturday, July 04, 2009

Al Minns and Leon James

Two of the most famous members of Whitey's Lindy Hoppers, Al Minns & Leon James dance in this clip from the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem. Filmed during the 50s and danced by original jazz dancers in the 30s. Watching this makes it painfully obvious where modern hip hop dance comes from.

now add modern music...

and Krump this...
Krumping is an urban street dance form characterized by free, expressive, and highly energetic moves involving the arms, head, legs, chest and feet. It has become a major part of hip hop dance culture.
What Whitey's Lindy Hoppers are doing in this early 1950's clip could be described the same way

Al Minns interview. This guy is RAD.


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